After reading “5 Steps to Creating an Effective Music Marketing Plan” written by Jon Ostrow, I can really see where he is coming from. He talks about what music marketing is, and then proposes questions to ask yourself. Then, he gets into his 5 steps to creating an effective music marketing plan.

The first step that Ostrow lists is, “Define the audience of your music.” Knowing your fans is the key to success. That is something that is extremely overlooked in the music industry as people make music for themselves (which is alright sometimes), but the general public definitely has sort of a say in what will sell and what will not. The second step is to “Analyze the market.” You need to know which music genres are popping and where. For instance, a certain genre of music might not sell as well in one area of the globe rather than another. It all comes down to the personal preference of the public, which was part of step one. The third step listed is, “Establish goals.” I think that this is super important. If you do not set goals, you will never have anything to aim for and you will not have a real end result. If you set goals, it is a great way to keep track of your progress and it helps you lay out and visualize ways to make yourself better. Step four: “Develop an action plan.” There are several components to include in your action plan, including: advertising, content creation, touring, social media, networking, or whatever you need to achieve your goals that you have set for yourself or your business. Ostrow’s last step is “Create a budget.” You need to make sure that your action plan is realistic, otherwise you will quickly find yourself off the rials and not able to achieve your goals. This can be frustrating, and just laying out where your money will be going can be extremely beneficial.

These five steps are definitely informative, and are very good guidelines to go by. I definitely think that if these steps are done correctly, then there is great potential to selling yourself or your business to future customers. Hopefully I can stay with these steps to sell my music and sell myself to a business.


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