Five Changes in Sales

As an entrepreneur, sales is extremely important to growing your business. Without sales knowledge you will struggle to gain the clients and investors you need to keep your business afloat in today’s highly competitive market. Becoming a true sales master is very difficult and sales has changed quite a bit in recent years. New technological development has shifted user attitude and action when making purchase decisions. The following is a list to help you stay up to date and better sell with today’s evolving sales methods.

The Five Tactics

  1. Selling as Helping – We must work to overcome the negative stereotypes and show people that selling is changing and there is nothing fraudulent, gross, or sleazy about sales. We must adapt and show that selling is working to provide solutions to people’s problems and pains. Selling is about solving problems that your prospects present and need solutions to.
  2. Sell To Yourself First – You must have a firm conviction that your product or service solves a meaningful problem for your customers. This gives you passion and insight to successfully sell to others. You need to understand how your product helps and benefits others to have confidence in selling.
  3. New Touch Points – Along with their money, customers are also giving you their time. Technological advances allow for new touch points that better value your customers time. Prospects can now watch presentations while at home rather than an in person visit taking time from other things they might need to do. When you make it more convenient for them you’ll leave a better lasting impression.
  4. The Rise of Content Marketing – Today’s consumers want to research your product before they buy it and with quality content marketing you can provide an informative, helpful information that eases the decision. The more high-value content you can provide, the more trustworthy your brand will appear. Content marketing focuses to seek a position that the brand is a helpful resource during the problem-solving process.
  5. The Need for Individualization – Sales prospects want to be individualized and personalized. They want to be targeted and given special treatment so that they know they are different and they require such special treatment.

Failure and rejection is inevitable but the better you understand and adapt to newer selling techniques the better off you’ll be when selling. Sales processes are constantly changing and developing and the better you can solve the problems of the prospects the more chance you’ll have for selling.

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One thought on “Ever Changing Sales”
  1. I think these five tactics are very helpful for anyone in sales. I especially think that tactic two is very important to become a successful salesman. You really need to believe in what you are selling before you can sell it successfully.

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