We have all felt the pain of rejection in some way or another. I’m sure all of us have asked for something in our lives and have been turned down. Some rejection seems minor and other cases seem like the world could be crashing down upon us. Rejection, no matter how terrible it seems, cannot be taken personally in the sales world and can actually benefit us.

When you are rejected, you have two different options for your response. You can either let the rejection hinder you from trying again, or you can let it motivate you. Maybe the first time around you were not coming to the sales meeting with the right angle. It is extremely hard to know how to be better if you have never failed before.

Also, rejection teaches patience. If you don’t land that deal that you’ve been working so hard for, it may not have anything to do with you, but the timing. If you move too fast to close a deal, you might miss very important factors that could influence whether or not you make the sale. You might even be a very good fit for your prospect, but you rushed into the closing process, costing you your sale. Take some time to ask questions and get to the heart of what their pain is.

Ultimately, no matter how bad rejection might feel, it is good because you can learn from it. With every rejection, there is a new lesson (or an old one if you didn’t learn from it). It is important to ignore our natural tendency to take the rejection or failure personally because falling into that particular mindset is a trap for becoming stagnant, especially in sales.

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