Many people are familiar with seeing awesome pictures on social media of someone climbing one of the largest mountains in the world or visiting a beautiful tropical paradise. We see these posts on Instagram and Facebook that leave us astonished and in admiration of the lives these people live. These accounts on Instagram often pull in hundreds of thousands if not millions of followers to its page. Social Media Influencers are a growing phenomena in the marketing and sales world in this day and age.

Though there are a vast amount of social media influencers, we are going to be focusing our attention to one specific influencer who has built an empire on his own. His name is Dan Bilzerian. Bilzerian built his Instagram following starting in 2014, when he reached 1 Million followers. The number keeps growing as he showcased his rich lifestyle to the world. His wealth was generated at first through poker, possible family trust money, and business investments. The massive amounts of wealth generated by Bilzerian enabled him to buy his $250 Million dollar mansion in Bel Air, California over looking the city of Los Angeles. He also owns another multi-million dollar mansion and yacht. Not to mention a gun collection with over 1,000 guns. These are just a few of the things that Blizerian owns. Bilzerian constantly surrounds himself with beautiful models that are showcased throughout his Instagram. Today Bilzerian has 30.2 Million Instagram followers and shows the world all of the amazing adventures and experiences that come with being Dan Bilzerian.

What Dan Bilzerian has built is pure genius. Bilzerian started a CBD cannabis company called Ignite. The company has done very well and is constantly growing. Bilzerian uses his amazing lifestyle that is shown on his Instagram and used it to create a brand. The brand Ignite sells a lifestyle. The lifestyle of amazing adventure, beautiful women always around you, having expensive cars, taking tropical vacations, shooting high powered weapons. What most people dream of is what Ignite is selling. Due to the vast Instagram following of Dan Bilzerian, he has the perfect platform to reach millions of people to advertise his brand.

Social media influence is a power house in the marketing world. Bilzerian’s way of building a brand has been so successful that many companies want his to post himself using their products. Dan Bilzerian has started a new trend in the world of marketing and has earned himself the title of “The King of Instagram.”

2 thoughts on “Selling a Dream Lifestyle”
  1. I agree that social media is a powerhouse. I look at it multiple times, every day because it is of the wish of that is where I want to be. The question is… how to get to be in the royal courts of Instagram. Do I post more pictures of outside activities or start a blog?

  2. This is a perfect example of someone understanding that features aren’t enough to get people to buy products. There are plenty of other CBD and vape companies, but he chose to differentiate by creating a lifestyle that he can sell instead. The product became secondary, because what he is pitching has a much more universal appeal.

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