With the beginning of the year slowly going by, I have noticed the many places where I find true happiness and comfort are growing fewer by the weeks. I am a college student reading hours upon hours of material every day, I am an ultimate frisbee player struggling to improve even the slightest techniques that will hopefully impress some of the guys so I can get more playing time on the field, and recently became a Wyldlife Leader for Younglife in the Mercer County area. These are some of the positions and personalities I reflect on throughout my weeks in the school year. There is a problem with this, I was mixing up my roles with who I really am.

In Sales class, we recently learned about the difference between the ‘Real You vs the Role You’. This is a chapter in a book from a man named Sandlers and the main focus was around the topic that a salesperson is a role we play, not who we really are. For example; I paint a picture and sure it’s not the most famous or the best painting ever, I am a moderately good painter, that is a role I can play. The real me is the person who tries to paint and enjoys expressing herself even though I know I am not very good at it.

This reminds greatly of my relationship with God. I am a Child of God. That is the role I play. The real me is someone who strives to follow God in all aspects of my life. I always fail to set an example for unbelievers but by the grace of God, He loves me more than I can comprehend and knows my true worth. Here is a song of as of a reminder where we see our Real Selves.

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