This is a scene is from a movie called Boogie Nights and the salesman here is trying to get the client to buy a stereo set. The client seems to be very interested in the stereo but the salesman started to play country music as a way to test the bass for the client, the country song was the classic old twangy country music sound. The salesman was all about his choice in music but immediately you could tell that the client was losing interest fast. Once the song was over the clients gets up and leaves, and no sale was made.

Whenever a sale starts you need to be talking with the client about everything in the field before you attempt a trial run, like what he likes and dislikes, this even means you should find out what the client listens to before you do a trail run like we saw in the clip.

3 thoughts on “All About that Sale”
  1. Great writing. Had the salesperson asked something along the lines of “what kind of music do you listen to”, the customer could have given him some information that would have closed the deal.

  2. Great post! This perfectly illustrates the need to ask questions, rather than assume what the customer wants. I hate country too, so I understand 😉

  3. Interesting! I think its interesting to look at this situation, though fictional, as if it were a real scenario. I like how you pointed out some things that could have been changed to make this sale happen. I think this is a great exercise to run through when thinking of sales.

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