The successful salespeople will not be manipulative and deceptive but instead they will find the perfect product-market match by being honest, ethical, and believe in the product.

Honesty is the Best Policy

In many situations, making shortcuts or speaking of a product in a way that isn’t true could seem to put one at an advantage. Deceptiveness is a trait in salespeople that seems inherent to who they are, which repels people to a salesperson. In order to be honest, they must believe in their product. They must believe their product is a solution that will truly solve a pain. When this is the case, it is possible to be ethical in sales. Salespeople are showing kindness, being creative, being apart of God’s plan of redemption. A successful ethical salesperson is searching for the product-market match and will not stop until they found the niche.

God is sovereign even over systems such as this. When a salesperson is honest and innovative, it is natural for them to succeed. Manipulative salespeople loose their reputation quickly. Those who honor the truth will benefit as they will find customers who will be loyal to them. Although there will be times honesty puts you two steps back and being deceptive puts others at an advantage, God’s kingdom will still be built. And he is pleased when one lays done their life for the sake of His Kingdom.

By dudtcg1

3 thoughts on “Mythbusting: Sales People Cannot Be Trusted”
  1. Historically society has engrained in us this concept of the “sleazy salesman”, and now that the buyers and sellers are both equipped with knowledge (provided by the internet), the playing fields are evener. Caveat venditor, “Let the seller beware”.

  2. I actually love your title! i sued to watch myth busters all the time. Anyway, i agree the salesman that is only out for themselves- gets tossed around too often. I think we, as a new generation of salesman, need to help fight the stereotype.

  3. I liked your points! It really depends from person to person. In my short sales experience, I have talk to people and it typically takes one dishonest salesperson to ruin all salespeople for someone. That is why it’s always important to be honest!

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