During the sales process, one of the first steps is finding your customer. Once a person is selected that fits a target segment, then the process continues. Prospecting is defined in-class as “a set of activities for identifying potential users of your product or service”, not just a preliminary step in the process. The purpose of prospecting is rather to determine if the potential client even has an interest in what you are selling. The proper way to find this is to not interrogating the client but rather is found through organic conversation. A good way to make the prospect feel comfortable is to inquire about what they do and who they are. Sometimes the prospect is simply not a good fit, and it is never good to force your business upon them if they don’t want it. Overall, when looking for a new client, it is important to be attuned to their wants and needs and look for a fit that would be best for the client. Putting the needs of the client first makes them happy and you more likely to make a sale.

2 thoughts on “The Purpose of Prospecting”
  1. Prospecting can be one of the most important parts of any sales job. Cold-Calling is a way of prospecting, however it is not the best way to find the ‘right fit’. I like what you said about keeping the costumer happy and attuned. That is the best way to retain costumer.

  2. Prospecting can be so much fun! It’s just getting to know people and understanding them! However, it can be discouraging when there is that goal of making a sale in mind and there isn’t a good fit. At the end of the day, one of the most important things to do in the world is love people well, ad it’s hard to love people if we don’t know them. Thanks for sharing!

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