Many elements go into the sales process, both physical and mental. One of the biggest factors of sales is the psychological factor for both the buyer and the salesperson. On the side of the buyer, many emotions are flowing through their head, trying to make sense of what the seller is selling. An element of fear is certainly present, which is why it is the seller’s job to dismiss feelings of fear and dread, rather enforcing feelings of happiness and calmness. The client is trying to balance their feelings while dealing to avoid taking a financial loss or being scammed, which is why in a successful situation those feelings are dismissed. The seller needs to lock into what the client stands to gain and what they stand to lose in a business deal, which is why the process of attunement is vital. Furthermore, this is why proper communication, especially from the seller, is so important in the world of sales. The age-old practice of sales has always included a large psychological aspect, and knowing what to look for in the thinking of a prospect is extremely important.

One thought on “The Psychological Element of Sales”
  1. It’s interesting how you mention that customers are thinking about not taking a financial loss or getting scammed. It’s important to recognize that preconceived notion that so many people have and earn their trust with sincerity. This post is a good reminder to be attuned to what people need and do our best to suit their needs- nothing more and nothing less. Thanks so much!

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