All of us have failed in life one time or another. This could be failed grade on a test or project or a failure to make a sale in the business world. In any scenario in life we need to learn how to fail. This is one of the most important life lessons and is a trait that the most successful people in our society have. When we fail on a test or fail to make a sale we can get disappointed and treat it as a bad experience or we can use that failure as an experience. Life is all about the experience we go through that change our perspective on how we think about things. Our perspectives on failure needs to change. Instead of getting down on ourselves about failure we need to take the positive perspective and use the failure to our advantage. Use the failure as a point of learning and see it as just another experience in life. In the book The Sandler Rules by David Mattson, he mentions a rule that applies to this topic, Rule number 1: You have to learn to fail, to win. He tells us that we need to be ok with failure and to separate our selves from the disappointment of failure. He talks about the Real you vs. the Role you. This is a great way to separate your self worth from your role as a salesman. Do not let your failed sale tear your self worth down, just see the failure as a way to get better at your role of being a salesman.

So next time you are interviewing for a job and you do not get the position, see it as an opportunity for improvement in your role as a salesman and keep thriving as the real you!

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