The show “My Hero Academia” takes place in a world where most of the human population is born with a special ability known as a “Quirk”. We meet our main protagonist Midoriya, who was unfortunate enough to be born without a quirk. During his formative years he was constantly bullied by a boy named Bakugou, who possessed a rather impressive quirk and was always at the top of his class. Even though Midoriya did not possess a quirk of his own, he always looked up to the most powerful and noble hero in the world “All Might”. In a sudden twist of fate, Midoriya miraculously acquired a quirk and became a student to All Might. He wanted to prove to All Might that he was capable of becoming the greatest hero in the world and would stop at nothing to get there. But first, he wanted to enroll in the prestigious heroics academy UA High.

Midoriya’s lofty goals did not come easy though. He was pushed to his absolute limits every day through grueling physical tasks that left him battered and broken. Despite the odds, he completed All Might’s training program with flying colors. He was then accepted into UA High and was placed in class 1-A, comprising of the best students the school could offer. As fate would have it, his lifelong bully Bakugou was also in his class. The bullying did not stop, but Midoriya grew stronger through the adversity. What was once a quirkless child who dreamed of becoming great like All Might was now on track to achieve what was once thought impossible. At every step of the way Midoriya had to sell himself in order to get a little closer to becoming a true hero. I have not finished the show yet, but the trajectory he is on looks very promising.

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