We discussed body language and how it affects how people perceive you in sales situations. In addition to posture, there are a few things you could do to make yourself seem trustworthy to others. Many people who try to make themselves seem to be more trustworthy of a person to in the minds of others make themselves look less approachable if they mess that up, and these are some tips on how to avoid doing that and ruining your chances when talking to clients or potential customers.

The first piece of advice is to never try to make your eyes as open as you can to seem like your paying attention. If you try and make yourself look like you are paying attention in a situation in which you wouldn’t also have a friendly look on your face, it instinctively makes people feel like a predator is about to eat them and puts them not only on the defensive but makes them uncomfortable to talk to you.

A way to seem invested without having that effect on the client or potential customer is to have your head slightly tilted. You will show that you are engaged in the conversation and in listening to what they have to say and are telling you, and it will also give them the impression that you are thinking about what they are saying instead of waiting to deliver them something pre-scripted or not related to them.

To envision this for yourself, imagine a generic looking employee in a store who comes up to you to ask if they may help you find something to buy. Imagine two versions of this salesperson, who say the same thing as each other and are the same as each other except that one of them has their head slightly tilted and has a smile and another who walks up to you with their head straight up, with a poker face on and is holding their eyelids as open as possible. Even if the client or potential customer looks like that just before you start talking, and you think you should emulate them, sometimes one’s body language is objectively bad for having any conversation with someone.

2 thoughts on “Tips for making yourself seem trustworthy”
  1. I really like this entry. My grandfather who was a very successful salesman talks about this all time. Being trustworthy, or the view of seemingly trustworthy, can take the pitch to the next level, and eventually a close.

  2. If there is no trust the conversation won’t go anywhere. I find it helpful when the salesperson is honest and actually listens to what the prospect is saying. The sales person asks meaningful and relevant questions that dig for pain. People just want you to care and be open with them.

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