Proverbs 1:19 So are the ways of everyone who is greedy for gain. It takes away the life of its owners.

Greed has been around since the very beginning of the fall with Cain and Abel. There are many reason why people are greedy, but money is one of the biggest. The love of money causes people to do a lot of things they never thought they would. Sales is an easy avenue for people who are willing to “stretch their morals” to gain more money. There are a lot of different ways that greed shows up in sales. There’s obvious ones like lying to customers and scams. However there are also less obvious forms of greed that happen far too often in sales. One of the biggest examples of this is selling too much to customers who don’t need it. Many salesmen see vulnerable people who will buy just a bit more if they think they need it. They might try and make a situation seem more dire than it is or make a product seem better than it really is. Some salesmen even convince themselves that these products or services are really needed. The allure of more money and better sales numbers make people do things they normally might not. This is why it is imperative that salesmen know their intentions before taking a meeting and that they are able to understand the risks and pitfalls that can come with the job. It isn’t just about selling a product or service, it should be about making a person’s life better or easier and making sure that they are not swindled in their decisions.

4 thoughts on “Greed”
  1. Salesmen have to consider the needs of the prospect in order to make a sale using non-manipulative means. If a salesman is greedy, it is much harder for him to do his job right.

  2. Could not agree more. The goal of any sales process is not to try to get the prospect to say yes. But to embark on a mutual discovery process to determine if your companies should work together or if it is a good fit.

  3. Wow this is really well put. I think that you hit it on the money ( no pun intended) when you said, this is why it is imperative that salesmen know their intentions before taking a meeting and that they are able to understand the risks and pitfalls that can come with the job.

  4. I like this. I would say that greed can usually be sniffed out from buyers. I like what you said at the end as well about making that person’s life better. Sales is about finding their pain and trying to solve it. I do think that you can still have people who are motivated to make an extra commission and still not compromise on their ethics however. They don’t compromise on the individual sales but rather on their own time. They will work harder and longer hours to make more sales.

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