Service is something that often seems counterintuitive to sales, but it is in fact, vital to a good sales process. Because of this, service is often neglected in the sales process, but if done correctly, can have a huge impact oServe Sunday - Selflessly Serving Others — Fairview Baptist Churchn the sale itself. When the salesman makes it clear that service is their top priority, the prospect is taken back. This is because they often expect salesmen to be looking out for their best interest, not the prospect’s.

There are two keys to serving in sales: making it personal and making it purposeful. Making it personal is, again, counterintuitive. This revolves around empathy because it allows the prospect to see the company as human beings. Making it purposeful revolves around making the prospect’s life better and the world better. If neither of these things are happening, go for no. Be honest in service sales, that is the ultimate goal.

One thought on “Serving in Sales”
  1. I like this. When we were learning about this in class I was happy to see this. The serving mindset puts others before yourself so when you sell, you are putting the customer before your own needs. I can think of one time when it felt like I was being served. I got an ad for Full Sail University and the person I was talking to was very kind. He was not over reaching or trying really hard to sell me on the school. He did what Coach Dido would do: understand the student to see if it is a right fit. I asked him lots of questions and he kindly replied back to them. It was service. Unfortunately he didn’t get the sale though lol. But you can’t win them all.

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