A thirty second commercial is a quick and easy way for someone to interestingly answer the question “What do you do?” The formula is usually “My name is _______ and I am a __________ with _______. We promise __________ to ____________ customers who _________. A question I hear a lot is ____________. Typically customers do business with us because _________,________, and ________. Probably the biggest thing we do for customers is ______.” This formula is great for a quick answer and give a lot of different talking point along the way. It addresses typical, creates interest, and differentiates you. A simultaneously amazing and horrible thirty second commercial is in New Girl. Jess introduces herself to three strangers and says five things that are special about herself. While what she says is a little bizarre, the strangers get to know her and know exactly what they’re getting into when they choose her to be a roommate.


7 thoughts on “A Thirty Second Commercial”
  1. It is vital to be able to have an elevator pitch or a 30-second “commercial” to be able to hook someone in the short window of time that you first interact with them. Ultimately you are trying to go for the followup. As entrepreneurs, it is important for us to have the ability to convey our idea in the time that we are given, whether that is 10 seconds… or 30 minutes!

  2. This such a funny show and a really good one for this blog. Well done, it brought a light into my study day. Thank you for the formula pop. Soon this will get easier but it is good have a guideline to follow.

  3. It is always a good idea to be able to give a really short explanation of yourself and your business. While just walking next to someone if you can spark enough interest you can create a relationship and generate more business.

  4. Hey Jael, this is really good stuff. This is a great way to introduce yourself and start digging for the problem. You could use this just when you are starting to get to know someone.

  5. Something cool here is that Jess is honest about things that might be annoying too, and in that gains their trust- the guys feel like they know what they’re getting into!

  6. I think this was a great example for selling yourself! In this case, Jess is pitching herself by being honest and saying things about herself to get more personal and relatable. I think that being able to pitch yourself and your product helps the customer get to know you better and build trust.

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