Sales can sometimes be an activity that appears to be unchangeable. Many think that sales is done in the same way for everyone. This could not be more false! Sales is personal and must be personalized to each prospect’s specific needs. Whether that be closing the file without closing the sale or changing your pace to match your prospect’s. It must be done.

One of the greatest salesmen of all time is Dwight Schrute. While he may be fictional, there are still many lessons to learn from him. The best instance in which his selling skills comes in handy is during a company-wide garage sale. The branch decides to sell their junk for “charity”, but in reality the party planning committee gets the profits. During this, Dwight decides to trade a thumb tack for up to the most expensive item in the garage sale.

Dwight tailors the pitch to what each person would want from that specific useless item. Each pitch is personalized. This is a huge lesson to us as we learn to sell. Sales must be personalized, if it is not, there is little room for success.

2 thoughts on “Personalized Sales”
  1. The best part of this is Jim’s out-selling Dwight at the end! Dwight does do an excellent job tailoring the pitch to the needs of each prospect, but it’s only possible because he knows them all so well. Knowing your customer is key!

  2. Not only is the need important, but Dwight had to have the patience and foresight to set his goals that far down the road. If his goal was to close the biggest sale right off the bat, he never would have succeeded.

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