We all know the negative stereotypes of the salesperson. People associate salespeople with lying, cheating, deception, greed the list just goes on and on. The days of going door to door to sell are long gone and we have entered a new era of selling……Internet Selling.

We now live in the technology age; people go onto the internet for almost everything. Most young adults can not even fathom a time without the internet. Typing things into a search bar is the new normal and social media is the new craze. Rarely will you come across a business that does not at least have a Facebook.

Businesses depend on social media for positive reviews, getting the word out on a new sale, accessing new customers, and pushing new products. Internet selling is the new essential for any business. What is up and coming is business to business internet selling.

My partner and I started our company a little over six months ago. Since then we have received many DM’s and emails from other company’s wanting to partner together.  Especially now because people must be remote, I think after the virus, business are still going to sell through the internet because of how easy and efficient it is.

I have seen a lot of great sales emails/messages and some terrible ones. The good ones all have something in common which we discussed in class. All sales messages/emails answer these three questions: What do you want them to know? What do you want them to feel? And What do you want them to do?

If those three questions are answered the more likely my partner and I will respond and be genuinely interested and vice versa. In sales you want to show the prospects the value. Human interaction is easier. But with the beauty of the internet/technology, photos, videos  and word play can be just as effective if not better. Internet selling is on the rise and companies should be prepared/ get use to companies reaching out to them via email/messaging over social media.

5 thoughts on “Internet Selling”
  1. I totally agree with you here. It so interesting to see that just in our life times that door to door selling has gone and this internet selling has kinda taken its place. I think that the three questions that you have brought up is really interesting.

  2. The internet is definitely going to transform selling, as it already has. However, I don’t think it will ever top in person selling. Knowing how to interact with people in person will put any salesperson at the front.

  3. There is definitely going to be a surge of jobs that can be completed via the internet or remote and more and more companies are willing to reach out to other companies. Great work

  4. Too many salespeople are focused on closing the sale, and sometimes you can tell from their first email! Pain and budget are related, so if you actually want an investment of some kind, you have to show how you can help.

  5. Covid has definitely changed the way we do in-person selling. Now, we are mostly remote and online, which made internet selling skyrocket. I know that many businesses will continue working remotely because it is convenient and the outcomes have been as successful as in-person. I like that you talked about 3 questions that every good sales email includes, making it more likely for other businesses to respond and interact!

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