It’s often disheartening when you’re selling either yourself or a product and it’s not going the way you want it to. The responses and flags that you’re getting back from a potential customer are showing you that the customer isn’t really interested in whatever you may be offering, but you really want to sell whatever it is to someone.


If someone is giving off vibes that they don’t necessarily want whatever you’re trying to sell, sometimes it’s best to just close the file. It’s even better to state upfront that at any point, if the customer feels like the product or service you’re offering isn’t 100% what they’re looking for, that it’s okay to understand this, close the file, and move onto another prospective customer.

Don’t let this get to you though! Every sales pitch isn’t a success and you don’t have to let that pull you down. If the customer had reluctantly accepted your service or product because they felt trapped, that would most likely lead you into issues further down the road in ways you might not imagine.

By pewjj19

One thought on “Saying NO is OKAY”
  1. This is a great point! There is nothing wrong with a prospect saying no. It means there was not a match. It can be good to tweak whatever you are selling to fit to your customers if that happens again and again.

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