When discussing some of the negative examples of salesmen, one of the most prevalent examples is one that is pushy or too “salesy” as some might say. Often times if the salesman focuses too much of their efforts solely on business, they may lose their customers interest or lose sight of their goal in making the sale. Demonstrated perfectly in this example of The Office, Michael Scott appeals to a local county official in a more personable and approachable manner that may seem unconventional, but actually works out. His boss, Jan, represents the “pushy” saleswoman example of being all about business and continuing to focus with the customer only on business-related discussion. Michael, on the other hand, steps in and begins to bond with the customer in a surprisingly effective way. Ultimately, Michael is able to form that unique bond with the customer by explaining how Dunder Mifflin is in it for the “local guy” and convinces the customer to go with his company. While it may seem strange and unexpected, sometimes the customer will be interested in getting to know who they do business with on a more personal level before making such decisions. It’s important to remember this as a salesman, as forming that relationship and connection with your customer is often the golden ticket in securing a sale.




5 thoughts on “All Business Isn’t Always Best”
  1. This is a very good point when it comes to sales. People like to connect with the person that their buying from, the same as sellers want to connect with their buyer. When business is pushed too hard this could scare away the buyer and cause you to miss out on a sale. Michael Scott does an excellent job of really connecting with the buyer and just becoming his friend. At the end of the night after long conversations, Michael had no problem selling to this customer since he felt so close to him.

  2. I love the clip you included to justify this well thought through idea. Its important to realize that only talking strictly business can turn off a customer. We are human beings that have lives outside of our business and it is important to get to know someone on that deeper level. Some people are wired differently and enjoy having fun and making jokes to get to know someone, which is actually the method that Michael used in this video.

  3. Awesome blog joey! definitely agree with what you stated above, that sometimes its not always about business and could actually sometimes lead to loosing the sale! It’s very important to show the customer you aren’t just using them to gain business but also that you care about them, their company, and even their well being! this helps you deepen the relationship you have with the customer which can ultimately lead to customer retention as well as word of mouth advertising from your current customer to other potential customers!

  4. This is an iconic scene and has so many cringe moments. This scene is special because Michael finds a way to lighten the mood and make a genuine friendship, from there he merges a partnership and sale. It truly is a great friendship building sale.

  5. I remember watching this in class as well. Yes, its a black and white example of making relationships versus just being solely focused on the deal. In the video the lady was too focused on the sale and the environment was stale and stressful, which is defiantly not the environment where your going to understand your prospect. In his way of doing things he was able to build a relationship first which allowed for a healthier environment.

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