One positive sales experience that comes to mind is when I was walking through Ulta trying to find a good brand of foundation. I was a lost customer looking through the store at all the brands of foundation when a sales representative came over and asked if I needed help looking for something. Normally, sometimes salespeople sound like they don’t wanna help but this women was so sweet when speaking to me. She asked what kind of makeup I liked to see if I liked a more heavy or light look. She got all the answers she needed then proceeded to find me a nice brand of foundation which was exactly what I was looking for in foundation. She let me try stuff on my face and even gave me a free sample for later. I felt really understood the whole time and that she listened very well to me. She was great at reading body language and knew when it was her turn to listen and speak. I was really happy in my experience which is why I continue to go back.

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4 thoughts on “A Positive Sales Experience”
  1. It’s great that you were able to have such a positive experience. It’s interesting how large a role body language played in your experience. This is a really good example of the impact listening can have on customers.

  2. I love that she asked you questions about what YOU are looking for, rather than assuming you’d like whatever she likes. This is super important, especially when selling cosmetic items. Thanks for sharing your experience!

  3. Courtney,
    This is such a good example of a positive sales experience. Ulta specifically has always been very personable and understanding. I had a similar story with a sales rep there. The most important part of being an inviting sales person is reading body language, and you talked about that too. great job.

  4. Courtney, this seems like you saw this a a positive sales experience because the sales women was engaging, nice, and willing to ask what you wanted. She seemed like she really wanted to help you instead of just pushing a product on you because that’s her job. Overall, I think this sales women used many of the methods we learned in class to better engage the customer and make them feel positively about the experience overall.

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