Welcome back to the third edition of the series, “Making Bank” with the one and only, Ben Frank. Today, I’ll be discussing The Great Persuader’s third secret for successful selling: Donation.

In sales, there is one question that every salesperson dreads but must ultimately ask in order to sell successfully. That question (as you probably guessed) revolves around… money. Yes, money! [cue Cardi B music] We all love money, but we’re afraid to ask for it.

Not sure how to bring up that touchy subject? Let’s hear some advice from Ben Frank:

What is the most you think you can ask for? Then double it!

Don’t base your request on how much he will give you but how much you will need!”

You never know how much money the other person is willing to spend until you ask. When selling to other people, it is critical to not sell yourself short. (Otherwise, you may be missing out on the potential for a great deal.) Ben Frank also advises to have a specific figure in mind throughout the sales process.

Don’t say: “How much do you think you can spend?

Instead, try a more confident, specific approach such as: “Ms. [Last Name], the prices of our products average at about $100. How does that sound?

However, Ben Frank also notes that it is important to bring up the topic of money only if you have built rapport with the customer first – otherwise, you might come across as aggressive, pushy, or demeaning–  none of which are good qualities in sales.

Take Benjamin’s advice, and you’ll be racking in those “Benjamins” in no time. Ask for money.


For more tips on selling success, check out additional articles in the series, “Making Bank” with Ben Frank: 

Sales Tip Series (1 of 4): “Making Bank” with Ben Frank

Sales Tip Series (2 of 4): “Making Bank” with Ben Frank

Source: Humes, James. Speak like Churchill, Stand like Lincoln: 21 Powerful Secrets of History’s Greatest Speakers. Prima Pub, 2002.


One thought on “Sales Tip Series (3 of 4): “Making Bank” with Ben Frank”
  1. I really liked this post and thought it was very creative. It was very easy to read and very entertaining, Making bank with Ben frank was very funny and clever.

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