Aside from what Sales in the Startup has to say, I have always wondered the internet says the worst mistake is to make in sales. While looking this up, the first thing that I found was from the website called, The Top 10 Most Common Mistakes Salespeople Make That Cause Them to Lose Sales ( stating that the number 1 mistake in sales is allowing the prospect to lead the sales process. This goes hand in hand with our course. We have all learned that it is very easy during the sales process to let the buyer take control and lead the conversation. We have even seen this in class during fake sales conversations. I have also seen this in my day-to-day life watching my dad talk to salespeople. So the question is how do we change this? The website The Top 10 Most Common Mistakes Salespeople Make That Cause Them to Lose Sales ( says that the best way to maintain control of the sale from the very start is to make sure that you’re asking the right questions, quality questions specially, that will provide you with quality answer from the buyer. We have also see the same answer in Sales in the Startup. We know that by asking quality questions we will have the more control over the outcome of the sales interaction with the buyer and the number of sales we make could increase from this method. So the next time you’re out selling, even the littlest things, make sure to ask those questions and lead the conversation.

One thought on “The Worst Sales Mistake”
  1. I agree that allowing the client to lead the sales process can be deadly. If this occurs, it does not allow them to understant or see the value that your eyes bring to their case. Rather, they see you as insignificant because you are playing to them. When you as the sales person are in command, you get to tell a narrative that makes the features of your product relevant to each customer in a personal way.

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