I recently purchased a Pelican case to transport and protect my photo and video equipment. In my research on which case I should purchase I stumbled upon this video which did a terrible job of selling the product. Rather than embrace the “features tell, benefits sell” moniker this video tells the viewer a laundry list of features without once explaining why they are beneficial.

These cases are used for a few distinctly different applications such as transporting camera gear, audio gear, firearms, and storing medical supplies. Each of these uses is quite distinct and a buyer in each of these categories wants to know how this case will benefit them with their distinct needs.  A good video would have showed the viewer how it can accommodate each specific usage by showing examples of equipment stored within the case rather than effectively reading them the manufacturer’s specification sheet.


2 thoughts on “Bad Selling – Equipment Case”
  1. This is a great article and I like the video aspect! I watched the video and then read your article and I think you hit the nail on the head with the laundry list of features immediately causes the viewer to become disillusioned and confused.


  2. I like this post I haven’t seen many that talk about a negative sales experience especially from a video. I think you made some great points and did a great job at explaining what was wrong with the video and its selling. Great post!

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