Looking for a great salesperson to look up too can start right with the head of our country. He can arguably be the most effective salesperson currently living. Trump has put his name on just about everything over his career. Here is just a few examples of things he has put his name on: wine, vodka, coffee chocolate, golf courses, restaurants, ice, energy drinks, mortgages, steaks, casinos, cologne, and the list goes on and on, seriously. Here’s a website listing everything:


That list was made in 2015 and would have to be updated with the presidency. The Donald even sold the country on his vision for its future. His greatest sales victory ever that has many MAGA accomplishments. The legend never even set foot in the political world before being elected to the highest office in the land.

No matter your opinion of Trump, although it should be positive, you cannot deny his ability to sell himself. Most of his products just have TRUMP emblazoned on them in gold. The guy doesn’t seek to reach you through empathy or even truly understanding you, but making the sale more about himself. He focuses on his own ability and strengths to sell the product. He will stand there and talk about how his product is the best in the world, nothing better – everything else is SAD. All his competitors are trash and don’t know what they are doing. He has such a strong belief in his name and his products that it is then inserted into the customer. You feel like a successful millionaire just buying a bottle of Trump Natural Spring Water. How many other products carry the same meaning that give you a mini-Trump feeling? I couldn’t even name the Dasani CEO or founder. You can’t buy his products without thinking of the guy. Everything about Trump and how he carries himself screams success. You aspire to the level of success and living the life of The Donald, aka Mr. President.

Image result for trump salesperson

4 thoughts on “The Best Salesperson Currently Living, OUR PRESIDENT”
  1. I am not the largest fan of Trump, however I think this article is spot on! He is definitely a salesperson and a great one at that. Thanks for the article!

  2. This is fantastic. So relate-able, such a great example. He is on such a great platform and is so influential being in the position that he is and yet I find myself forgetting what a successful salesperson he was and still is. He is a salesperson who believes in his product in almost an offensive way, but his brutal honesty is something people admire and found different and enjoyable…obviously as he is now President Trump. A lot can be learned from his and he should be respected as a successful salesman and business owner.

  3. Great point. Trump has taken the traditional sales attitude that most people hate and has transformed his reproach into a more convincing sales scheme. Between his luxury styled-logo, smooth speech, and persuading demeanor, Trump makes every person who buys his products feel glamorous, even if they are not wealthy.

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