By Leona Bently

Wanna see something cool? Before you read any further, check THIS out.

Image result for startups heart customers greg skloot

I told you it was cool! This incredible interactive guide was created quite literally with students like us in mind. Just about everything we are learning in Sales with Sweet is contained in this nifty and interactive site. If you only skimmed down the site, go take another look! It even has tips and quotes from noteworthy sales reps, recommendations on tools for mundane tasks such as data entry, and even the overused Glengarry Glen Ross clip we saw earlier in the semester.

Image result for getting organized greg skloot

It’s author, Greg Skloot, certainly is the cat who knows where it’s at. In addition to Startups Heart Customers, Skloot has written another ebook entitled Getting Organized (if you click HERE you can get the ebook for free.)  While I have not checked the second book out myself, Skloot’s extremely successful career can boast his expertise in the marketing and sales arena. His blog Up & To The Right spits gold nuggets of wisdom on the regular if you would like to expand your business brain. Happy learning!



By LeonaB

2 thoughts on “A Cool Tool”
  1. Wow, what a neat find this is Leona! I started scrolling through the website and was amazed at what it contained. What a great guide! I will be definitely be trying to explore this website even more in the future. I really appreciated how clear everything was and also how everything was color coded. Always quality when it is color coded, lol! Thanks for sharing about this!

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