Sales in its simplest form is getting people to part with their resources, usually money. There are countless techniques, processes, and sales funnels that salespeople use to accomplish this. Interestingly enough, printed directly on the money we are trying to get people to part with is the phrase “In God We Trust.” As Christians is the sales world, what are we supposed to do with this? We are taught how to do our jobs and make the sale, but we are also to trust in the LORD to provide for us and not rely on ourselves. The Bible directly explains this in Proverbs 3:5, which says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” If we are fully trusting in God, we cannot trust in ourselves.

So how can we make glorifying God and trusting in Him the primary focus of our sales? I think we can do in this part by prayerfully seeking our prospects. This means we can pray for the people we are reaching out to whenever we are seeking customers and we can also pray that the Lord blesses the conversations that we have. We wants to make sure that we are first and foremost showing the light of Christ and also see whether or not the product we are selling is good for the prospect. It is okay if it does not fit our customer. We are called to think of others before us.

Ultimately everything we do should glorify God, which includes our job. We should want to go into our sales with a servant’s heart. While Jesus walked on earth, his whole ministry was centered around serving others in order to show the truth about the Kingdom of God. If we truly want to sell something, the best way is to imitate Christ and serve others with their best interest at heart. It is so common for salesman to only think about closing the deal, but they should actually care about serving the customer’s needs. We need to keep them first before our sales, which is the best way to make a sale. While these are only two aspects of how to sell things in a godly manner, there are so many more ways. We should take heed of Colossians 3:17, where it states, “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” With every closed deal and closed door, we are to give thanks and glorify God.

One thought on “A Godly Sales Perspective”
  1. I completely agree, many salespeople only care about closing the sale and counting how much money they’ve made. As a Christian salesperson we need to consider “Are we helping or is this going to benefit our customer” first rather than how much money will I receive if I make this sale. The pressure of meeting quotas and performance standards I think are what most salespeople see as their priority rather than “serving” the customers.

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