There once was a girl and her team who had to make her own business for a class. This team made a business called Dane Designs. In this, they created artwork in the form of prints for Pennsylvanian natives. The girl is my roommate, Erin and she had two teammates Michael and Olivia. They worked so hard all semester to create a business in which they could sell items to students on campus. They had to come up with everything from scratch and they did this buy assigning roles to each member of the team. Erin’s role was to be a Chief marketing officer and the Head of Sales. She was a great saleswomen all around. Erin was kind to her customers, she cared about her customers and she asked her customers questions about themselves. Additionally, she recruited people to help her by getting buyers to come over to her table that had her product on it. She sold the prints in SAC which is a great place to sell since so many students are in there hanging out. Lastly, she made payment super assessable by keeping up with our generation by letting people pay with Venmo. One thing Erin said she would change about how she sold her product was that she wished she would had sold sooner to all different groups of people in a variety of locations. All in all, as a sideline supporter, I think it is really beneficial and cool to see your friend sell products.

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