For another class that I’m a part of called Corporate Innovation, I’m on a team that’s been tasked with establishing a mission statement and values with a company called Provident, which is a specialized insurance program administrator for first responders, public servants, and volunteer and community groups. Throughout the class, it became clear that Provident did not have a mission statement or values, which both serve a crucial role in the clarity of doing business effectively. Could a personal mission statement and values be valuable in selling as well?

According to an article titled, “5 Tips for Creating a Sales Mission Statement (From a Surprising Source),” Lauren d’Entremont says, “Your sales mission statement helps to ensure you’re doing the right work, saying yes to the right opportunities, and rejecting anything that’s a bad fit for your strategy.” d’Entremont emphasizes the importance of creating a personal mission statement for yourself when selling, because it lays a firm foundation to choose wisely in every decision you’ll make. There are five separate tips that d’Entremont lays out to help create a sales mission statement:

  1. Speak to your core purpose
  2. Use plain language
  3. Talk about your unique strengths
  4. Forget about revenue
  5. Stay actionable and agile

Once you’ve accomplished your mission statement, live by it and be proud of it!

For further depth on the tips to help create a sales mission statement, check out:

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