Go share is a company that is similar to Uber in the sense that anyone can be their own boss through the company’s platform. GOShare delivery are independent contractors who earn money using their own vehicles, providing excellent service and lending a helping hand to people in their communities. GoShare provides intuitive mobile apps and other software tools to make it easier for delivery professionals to get the job done. GOShare was founded by Shaun Savage in San Diego California. Shaun Savage professional experience is sales, business development and marketing gave him a solid foundation on which to build GoShare. Their story has been featured in news articles across the country such as NBC, CBS, and ABC.

I always find it interesting to see a company start up that has taken the idea like door dash and Uber. GoShare is similar because all their worker base is just anyone that passes the background check, people can decide if they want to use them by looking at their reviews. Shaun really took this idea and was able to sell it to his market and it absolutely took off.

2 thoughts on “A Unique Way to get movers”
  1. This is a super cool business in my opinion, and I have never heard of it before lol. I like how you mentioned that they took an already existing idea and put a lil twist on it, and made it their own. Our professors constantly tell us that you don’t have to create something completely new in order to be an entrepreneur, and this is a perfect example of this!

  2. I find it very interesting how large companies are creating business models that outsource all their work from unskilled, independent contractors. It is a different approach to employing workers but has driven internal growth and created value by providing income to employees. As long as there is demand and people willing to act as employees, these companies will see huge growth!

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