Disturbing concept, isn’t it? We’ve spent a large majority of our time in this course learning about how we sell positive things; ourselves, a product or service, a concept… but what about the negative side of selling? Watch the clip below and see how easy it can be to sell the idea of trust in a very dangerous situation.

This clip demonstrates two powerful rules very quickly. Rule #27 states that “You can’t sell anybody anything – They must discover they want it.” The children in this experiment decide for themselves almost immediately that they want the puppy. This connects to Rule #2 – “Don’t spill your candy in the lobby.” The promise of more, without providing it, is a way of holding back the candy in your hands. Ultimately this should simply serve as a reminder that simple situations can be dangerous, and that children are extremely trusting.

2 thoughts on “Abduction as a Sale”
  1. This is a very strange way of looking at things but there are good observations here. The part about making them want the puppy was… interesting, I don’t know I feel weird commenting on this.

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