Acccountability. It is one of those few things that go into every aspect of your life. From in sports, school, job, and anything in between. Accountability in sales is no different. But for an organzaiton and individual its more so looked at as just a concept instead of something that can be tanglible and executed. Just like an organization that is accountable for the satisfaction of its customer, the sales person is responsible for giving the client their utmost confidence that the job will get done if they agree to a contract. This is exactly what being accountable is. By holding yourself accountable for getting the job done and getting it done right you are less likely to forget or mess something up. However, when you do mess something up, owning up to it is hard to do but never less the right thing to do.

The client has certain expectations for you to get the job done and accomplish what their vision is. You should also set certain expectations for yourself and set them high. Better to shoot for the moon and miss but land on a couple of stars, I think that’s how the saying goes at least. What that does that is it shows the client that “Wow he/she really looks to go over and beyond what I’m looking for”. This could lead to the client telling people that they know and speak incredibly highly of you and lead to more job opportunities just because you did a little extra work and held yourself to higher standards and more accountable.

2 thoughts on “Accountability in Sales”
  1. It is true how important accountability is in a sales environment. Being trustworthy is one of the biggest things people look for in a salesperson.

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