Advertising is a broad category with many different forms of media covered. It leaves a lot of room for creativity in both messaging and style. As we’ve learned, getting people to buy is all about communicating at their level. You have to identify their pain and speak to it. Although it is typically not in the form of conversation, advertisements operate under the same principle. They have to harness their medium and a message, often a narrative, to speak to that pain.

However, just like in sales, some advertisements rely on old methods. Infomercials and many low-budget commercials continue to rely on features to convince people to buy. They will talk (albeit with a lot of energy) into the camera, and expect people to be won over. The prevalence of this tactic in dealership advertisements and other local businesses is indicative of how the new approach has not yet permeated businesses. Many people still have the door-to-door ideal in their head, and try to gain customers that way. Although advertisements can’t look quite like a conversation, it is still important to start with what the customer needs, and not what you have to offer.

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