Since the pandemic started my uncle, Tommy Highland has stated a YouTube channel called America’s Funniest Handyman. In this channel my uncle, who is an established comedian, does random DIY videos and shows people how to build a door frame, or fix their plumbing, all while cracking jokes with other comedians. Tommy has had to sell his new channel and sell himself. Before the pandemic started, he shot hours of footage fixing people’s homes. Now he has the perfect time to launch the new channel, since everyone is almost forced to be online all the time now. Since starting the channel, Tommy has grown tremendously.  A lot of his advertising and marketing come from Facebook, and how he asks his friends to watch and critique. Now Tommy is at an impasse. He can’t decide whether to pay for more publication, like a boost on Facebook, or to keep on trying to make and get content. When I asked my uncle how he’s selling his channel and himself he said he mostly relies on prayer and people’s word of mouth. Ill put the link at the end, and if you desire to check him out go ahead! The only thing is that sometimes they can get raunchy so it might not be Grove City appropriate.

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