Starting this course, I did not think I was fit to be a saleswoman. I talk too much, I don’t enjoy making money ( I really don’t), and I am not very good at persuading people.

It wasn’t until I was in this class that I realized I was interested in sales ever since I was a little human. I do know that it wasn’t going to the internet and typing in how to be a good saleswoman. It was more along the lines on how to make more friends and how to be popular. In other words how to sell yourself successfully.

Everyone is selling something, which in turn makes everyone a salesperson. It doesn’t have to be physical objects like retail, it literally could be anything. Just like Mr. Daniel Pink says, “To Sell is Human”. Since everyone is a salesperson… how are you going to stick out from the rest? How am I going to be different from all the others? Now that we have the tools and tips and tricks what are we going to do?



I guess we will just have to find out…

Wait…August Is Over!?!?!? That's a Wrap! #MonthlyRecap ...

5 thoughts on “And that’s a wrap!”
  1. These are some great questions for us to ponder going into the summer and all of the uncertainty of this situation! I can’t wait to see how each of us begins to stand out in our personal sales. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I think that prior to the class, you had the stipulation you couldn’t be a TRADITIONAL salesperson. However, with the new opportunities that have arisen, I’ve sure there’s a sales position out there that perfectly fits you!

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