In addition to my last post where I talked about selling raspberries, I also was selling eggs at the same time. Like i mentioned before, I have a decent amount of property where I live, so chickens were a great way to utilize that land. And what is better than free range fresh brown eggs. Nothing! The selling process started in January when my 10 little chicks came in through the mail. I had to raise them for 6 months until they finally started laying eggs. Once it began, the business was up and running. I would collect about 8 eggs a day and since a dozen is only 12, I would get 2 dozen eggs every 3 days. I started out selling them for 3$ a dozen. Business was slow but I found ways to sell them to neighbors and family. Once word started spreading, I was getting more orders than I could handle. This was not good since I could only sell the eggs that I actually had. One great thing from this experience was the encouraging feedback I would often receive for the quality of eggs I was selling to my customers. Not only did I feel great from what I heard back, but I also had a passion for caring for these chickens. After all, at the time, these chickens were my “livlihood”.

Some important lessons I learned was how to adapt to different selling processes. I learned to go to friends and family first when looking to sell something. Who knows, they might be a quick sale for you. This was another great sales experience.

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