Thus far we have been exposed to a plethora of amazing sales tips and tricks, both in class and from this blog. While those tricks are proven to work when utilized effectively, if you do not go about them with a positive attitude, you might as well stick with your day job. Having a positive attitude in a sales situation can be the difference between your prospect dishing out the big bucks or no sale, according to a recent Entrepreneur article. Besides the fact that positive attitudes in sales are contagious, but they tend to dissolve the negative feelings in the air. Let’s look at what you should keep in mind about positive attitudes.

have a positive attitude in sales

Positive Attitudes Mean More

People are more willing to open their wallets for positive, agreeable experiences over great products. Besides this, most people today spend more money on entertainment and enjoyable experiences than on necessities, because they like to feel good. If you can make people feel good, odds are the money will just flow from their pockets because they want more and more of those good times.

I Feel Like a Million Bucks

People tend to act according to the way they are treated. So, go ahead and make your prospect feel like they are a million bucks. Again, this comes back to making them feel good and treating them like they have the money and the power to make decisions. Even if your product is financially out of reach for them at the moment, they will remember you in the future when they do have the resources, because you made them feel great.

Be Mindful of Your Environment

It is no secret that our environment influences our thoughts and feelings. If you are surrounded by too much negativity, you may find it hard to carry a positive attitude. The best thing you can do is try to stay away from sources that you know bring negativity to your life, whether that is a “can’t do” person, the newspaper, or a certain radio station.

Remember, while your prospects can shop your products, a great attitude is priceless. Always trying to put your best foot forward and creating cheerful environments for your prospects will yield better results. Your positive attitude in sales is infectious, and will be refreshing to your prospects.

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One thought on “Attitude is Everything”
  1. So you’ve shown us why being positive is important, something which I don’t think is widely debated, but you haven’t really given any tips to BE positive. You said to distance yourself from negative sources, but what if you are that negative source? I know for me, most of my negativity blooms in my own mind. Its how I respond to a situation, and at this point, it is a very ingrained habit. So I would have appreciated having a little call to action in the from of a “how to be positive” tip.

    Overall, you had good comments though, and I like the way you formatted your blog post. It looks nice.

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