Image result for positivity and negativity

A little background: In my sales class, and we are going over the ABC’s of Sales. The class recently wrapped the letter ‘A’ which stood for Attunement. Continuing onto the letter B, the topic of the class is focused on Buoyance. To be honest, I did not know where the conversation was going. It was not until the chapter said, “The world is a sea of rejection, it is important to stay buoyant,” that I got an idea of what the theme was.

Review of the chapter: There are 3 aspects to staying afloat: interrogative self-talk, positivity, and explanatory. Each one an important step of a conversation involving before, during, and after the incident. The entire chapter revolved around the actions of what a salesman/saleswoman should perform in order to continue to do there occupation, and do it well.

This chapter did not necessarily have to be in the occupation of sales, it was a great chapter for personal and mental health as well. It informed the reader as to how to develop the skills of an optimist who isn’t blind to the reality of the world. There were challenging moments of realizations as well as tests that opened my mind to where I am in my ratio of positivity and optimism. However; I am determined to practice the tools the chapter gave and see how my day to day life improves.

2 thoughts on “B is for Be Buoyant (in a Sea of Rejection)”
  1. Balancing optimism with reality is always a difficult balance to me, but it is necessary in both life and sales!

    I love that this chapter also applies to all aspects of life. Good job!

  2. Many people say I’m a pessimist; I prefer to say I’m a realist. The reason I like to think that way is simple. Optimists are constantly disappointed, while pessimists are constantly unhappy. By thinking like a realist, I can be pleased that I was right, or pleasantly surprised, and I end up being right more than either optimists or pessimists. That said, I think more people are realists than would admit it!

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