“B2B” or business to business sales, is the concept of a business selling its products to a business or businesses rather than individual customers. Because B2B businesses are selling to other businesses, the products they sell tend to be critical to the buying business’s ability to function. This also means that these businesses will buy in bulk and not just individual products. The most common types of B2B sales in businesses is ‘supply sales’ (selling products that help a business function well), ‘wholesale/distribution sales’ (selling products necessary for the other business to produce or function), ‘service/software sales’ (selling a service that a business uses in production, or software used to operate). B2B sales is an aspect of sales often not noticed and more ‘behind the scenes’, however, it is critical to the function of society and life.


2 thoughts on “B2B”
  1. Very interesting blog, now I understand what B2B sales are. Before this blog I didn’t know. Now I feel very educated. Thanks Mark

  2. You’re right about the bulk aspect of B2B sales! Even a small business tends to buy in bulk to try to save on pricing. Retail businesses, especially, want to get the best price they can on goods so that they can have the best margins possible when it’s time to re-sell!

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