I’ve had many poor experiences as a buyer when it comes to interacting with salespeople. Everyone knows the stereotypical salesperson persona and people typically are very turned off by it. I am definitely one of these people. Sometimes you can’t avoid them, so I do try to keep an open mind. I was shopping in an outlet store. “Just browsing” is what I told the salesperson. I knew I needed to buy a new shirt for an event I was going to that night. The worker proceeded to ask me sooo many questions and could not take the hint that I wanted to be left alone. I quickly found a shirt and made my way up to the cash register. While waiting, I looked at the stickers and was debating whether or not to buy some for my brother. The cashier (who was the same person stalking me in the store) began asking me even more questions and said he had noticed I was looking at the stickers. I told him that I was looking at a few of them for my brother. I put my shirt on the counter and he rang it up. He told me the price came to $25. I was very confused because I knew the shirt was only $20 (I live in DE where there is no sales tax.) I asked him if the shirt was $20, and he said yes it was. I just stared at him for a second and asked where the other $5 came from. He then told me that he rang up the stickers I’d been looking at for my brother. Irritated, I told him that I was not interested in buying them, or else I would’ve brought them to the counter with me. He apologized but didn’t seem to understand why i wasn’t very happy. I’m glad I’d noticed the price was off when he told me the total. Trying to get people to buy things that they are not even aware of is definitely not a good sales strategy.

One thought on “bad experience as a buyer”
  1. This salesman was obviously not very worried about his customers. All he cared about was selling as much as he possibly could without actually talking to the customers and asking what they wanted. I think it is very interesting how this salesman thought that by wringing up the stickers along with the shirt he was doing something helpful, but he did not consult with the customer first, he just assumed. I think a big part of why this salesman was such a “turn off” was because he, once again, did not listen to customers and he assumed things that he probably shouldn’t have.

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