As I searched on the internet for a topic to post about I came across a website on “How to Start Sales For Your Startup.” I was intrigued to see if the points aligned with the ideas we learned in class. So I decided to click on the website (which is below if you would like to see it).

As I was looking through the points, many of them aligned and were quite similar to Pink’s ideas, but one stood out to me. It was probably the most basic, yet intriguing one to me.

Tip 6) Be Human

Yes, this is inevitable. Of course we are human, but the question more lies with “Are we programmed to mimic a robot and have unnatural planned responses within a sales situation?”

Below is a part of the article explaining why this tip is necessary.

The proposal must be one-to-one. Robotic content is always dry. It lacks that spirit and responsibility to it. Your writing will reflect how well you have digested their Aeroleads-dont-be-a-robotrequirements and their wants. There are supposed to be creative sequences in your way of presenting. It must be crisp, straight and to-the-point.


When you aren’t real and natural with someone while selling something, it takes all the passion, spirit, and positive energy out of the sell. While selling, be sure to be conscious of the conversation, but also let it flow naturally.

One thought on “Be Human”
  1. This is a great point! Nobody wants to talk to a robotic sounding person, let alone buy something from one. People a built for community and are made to relate to one another. Why would anyone not use that to their advantage while selling?

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