On Friday April 13, Evan Addams gave his third and final lecture in our class. Mr. Addams talked about the idea of Customer Success, the process of making sure that your customer has access and understands the product so that it will best help them in their task. Customer success is one of the most important steps in the process of getting the sale, as Addams brought up an example of how the buyer liked no-wait, however, wasn’t sure that they could handle being a partner of such a large corporation.

Addams took this opportunity to really prove to the buyer that they were prepared. He was very thorough in articulating what and how everything would be done to ensure the success of the customer. Being thorough and having a 40 page document on how this would happen is what got him the business.

Customer success should a top priority for any business as they seek new clients. Without it they will fall short on communicating just how partnerships will work and giving the client the confidence that they will both be well taken care of and better off.

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