Everyday there are products being sold to us. Just walking through a store or scrolling online, there are countless products that we can buy at our fingertips. Lets say a kitchen knife salesman comes up to your door. He pitches the knives to you, but when you begin to question him about the product he’s selling, he says that he doesn’t know much about the knives, he just sells them. How confident are you at this point that the salesman is actually selling you a good product?

It is important for ever line of work to believe in what you’re doing. Especially in sales or entrepreneurship, you have to believe in what you’re selling. If you don’t believe what you’re doing is going to benefit your customers, it will most likely be a lot harder to sell your product. You need to have confidence that what you are selling is the right thing if you ever want to convince someone to buy from you. If you don’t have confidence, how can your customer trust you? In order for them to trust you, you need to have these two things: truth and transparency. Never hide the truth because if you do, you never believed in what you were selling in the first place.

Consider this scenario; a kitchen knife salesman comes up to your door. He pitches his knives to you, and when you begin to question him about the product he’s selling he explains to you that he has worked with this specific company for many years because he believes in what they are doing specifically and also explains all the reasons why he believes in the knives.

Which salesman do you believe is most likely to get the sale that day?

3 thoughts on “Believe What You Sell”
  1. I agree that believing in what you are selling is a crucial part of sales. Just like what coach Dido was saying, he can sell Grove City College so easy because he truly believes in it. I think that the most successful salesmen are those who believe in their product.

  2. I think the view of the product and sales person hinges on the sales person believing what they sell as you said. It’s easy for a customer to see a sales person who isn’t fully committed to what they’re doing. Sales is a job that really punishes the unenthusiastic employee because its required to accomplish the job. Enthusiasm comes from a real interest in the product.

  3. You really conveyed a good message here. Those who sell to sell do not care at all if they sell unless they just want the money. Those who really love and believe in their product are much more likely to present why you should buy it and how it will help you. They will do it much more fluidly and genuinely through showing real concern and care, potentially driving a sale.

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