The Best CRM Softare for Sales Funnel Management of 2024 (

Helps show the best 6 CRM systems to help leads and sales funnels.

1 SalesForce

2 HubSpot

3 Monday

4 Capsule

5 Oracle NetSuite

6 HoneyBook

Why do businesses need CRM Software?

Increases sales, Improves customer retention, streamlines your sales funnels, and gives easy online marketing tools.

How to choose the Right CRM Software for your business?

Look into factors like: Setup Time, Ease of Use, Price, Add-Ons, Customer Service, and Interface.

Top 3 options

1 Salesforce


Highly Customizable

Scalable without limits—usable by the largest organizations

Large app ecosystem, over 3000 apps available.
Expensive compared to the competition.
Complex can be difficult and expensive to set up.
2 HubSpot
  • Free software
  • Up to 1 million contacts
  • Unlimited users


  • Basic software
  • No statistics or forecasting tools

3 Monday


  • Integrates with most tools you already use
  • Automations eliminate manual work
  • Handles post-sales processes & projects


Price can be an obstacle

Each CRM system is very unique and should be tested out and have research done to see which will be best for the industry and your company specifically.

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