Please check out this clip!

Dan “Big Cat” Katz is the true definition of persistent in this video. He is pitching his many ideas to billionaire Mark Cuban. Although his ideas are quite ridiculous, he remains positive and keeps on pitching. Yes, this clip is not serious but I find it quite enjoyable. Products such as Bro-Tein (alcoholic protein powder), taco tape (bacon to hold taco together), and counterfeit $2 bills are absolutely ridiculous but he keeps on pitching and staying positive. Big Cat gives Mark Cuban a bell to ring whenever he wants to move on. This allows Mark to feel like he has some power. Big Cat is able to convince him to stay on some of the ideas longer than Mark wants but respects the bell and Mark wanting to move on.

Relating to this past week in class, we learned about sales funnels. Big Cat used this opportunity with Mark Cuban as a sales funnel. Big Cat is the host of my favorite podcast “Pardon my Take.” It is the number one sports podcast in the world and it is truly hilarious. Anyway, they usually have 2-3 guests on the podcast every week. It is usually someone in sports or acting or someone relevant to what’s been going on in the media. So, Big Cat took this opportunity with Mark Cuban to pitch him ideas in a very funny conversational manner. Since this video has been posted, Pardon my take has had Mark Cuban on the podcast a few times and they have also had Mark’s fellow sharks Barbara Corcoran, Kevin O’Leary, Lori Greiner, and Daymond John. Having these guests on the show helps to expand their reach outside of the sports world and into the business world to give something new to their listeners and help to gain maybe a few more listeners. Big Cat took the opportunity and was able to land new customers. Bringing some light conversation to these very serious billionaires has earned friendship between them and a couple 34 year old podcasters. Maybe Mark Cuban doesn’t want to trademark the phrase “Think about it” or invent the “Frambulance” (fire truck and ambulance), but maybe someone else will and Big Cat has built a relationship in the process. Building your network and having strong relationships with powerful people is a good idea. So I hope you enjoyed this clip as much as I did.

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