One rule that we discussed in class was using third party stories. But how do you not make a story sound cheesy?

After competing in several business plan competitions I listened to several stories that people told. Some of them just tried to appeal to too many people. When you tell a realistic story you need to focus on only one part. Storytelling can focus on several different emotions. You could be trying to appeal to a softer side, a memory or even a bad experience.

When attacking these emotions you need to only focus on that single emotion. When you try and make a prospect feel sad and angry they could get really confused. You need to be sure to keep your stories short and sweet. If there are too many parts you might also confuse the prospect.

3 thoughts on “Cheesy VS. Reality”
  1. Stories are a great way to influence others and help them to move. But I agree that you don’t want to overwhelm them with a story so long or so dramatic that it takes the focus off of their own situation. The story should prompt them to action, not distract them from it.

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