Throughout the semester we have had multiple guest speakers who have had a lot of great things to say. Coach Didonato’s really stuck out to me though, because I thought his non-sales examples were so unique when describing the recruiting process. Early on, as a class we listed many traits we all believe a good sales person should have, and he liked a lot of what we came up with. He had five traits already picked out though, and they are as follows:

  1. Attentive
  2. Genuine
  3. Confident
  4. Adaptive
  5. Honest

When reviewing these traits, Coach Didonato said that we can break these five words down into one… that one word is trust. To trust someone, you must believe that the intent is real, and the ability is there. He explained how in his life he uses this because he needs to show the parents of his recruits that his intent is to get everything out of their child, and help the kid to become not only a better player, but help the kid grow and be ready for the future. He also has to show that them that he has the ability to do that.

Overall, I really enjoyed when Coach DiDonato came in. His presentation has stuck in my head since. Along with the other guest speakers, I believe I have learned something from them all that I can take with me in my future.

One thought on “Coach DiDonato and Trust”
  1. I agree that this was a great lecture from Coach DiDonato! Also, I loved that he mentioned that he is still in a selling position, even if it is different than the medical sales he used to do. He still has to sell recruits and their families on the college, so the techniques of a salesperson are utilized by him everyday.

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