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One of the hardest things to do in sales is Cold Calling. Cold Calling is when a salesman makes an unsolicited call on (someone), by telephone or in person, in an attempt to sell goods or services. This is hated by some if not most salesman. Salesman need to realize when they are doing this, they need to learn to handle rejection. How many times has a salesman or telemarketer called your house, and before they could finish their first sentence you or your parents told them they aren’t interested, and to take them off their list?

One of the best slogans in Cold-Calling is Experiment. Fail. Learn. This means as the salesman experiment with different techniques, different things, different sayings to see what works. Most of the time these will fail but learn how these failed. Why did this not work? Did they not give you the chance or did you have it but blew it saying something wrong? If a salesman can identify where it went wrong- they will be more successful down the line.

The second most said thing to cold-call salesman, is to read the script. Stick to the script your superior gives you, however, don’t read it like a robot. Be an actor, be a real person. Don’t make the potential client feel uncomfortable and be monotone. Be excited, be animated, be in the moment. Take each call as a new learning experience. Most of all, do not get discouraged.

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