As the coronavirus situation has developed globally, many people’s work plans have changed. Since about four months ago, companies have been cancelling jobs and internships, and firing pre-existing employees. This means less and less positions that people can apply to. As a result, finding work has come down even more to the connections you have and how you can use them.

However, many people have been left with only one option: reaching out to companies without any prior contact. It may be intimidating to try to contact someone without any pretense for talking, especially when the success rate is likely going to be low. But with sufficient preparation and the right approach, you can sell yourself to a company far before you get in any interview. Just like any customer in a sales conversation, companies have needs. If you pitch yourself as offering a compelling enough solution, you may get your foot in the door. So if there is a company you would like to work with, and they are not advertising a position, consider writing them an email. If you put some thought into it, they might put some thought into you.

2 thoughts on “Cold-Calling in the Job Search”
  1. That can put you far ahead of others and help you stand out. Just by having the drive and initiative to reach out, you are selling yourself as a hardworker.

  2. That is definitely an option I’ve considered now that my semester is partially done and I don’t plan on returning to my previous job. Great writing!

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