My experience with selecting a college was a very long process.

Colleges tried to sell me on their college starting in my Sophomore year in high school. There were three aspects that made it hard for me to choose a college and that the Admissions people used in order to sell me or that drove me away.

  1. They built close and strong relationships with you from the get go. Knowing someone on a first name basis and actually getting to know their life, past, and hope for the future made it harder for me to choose a college. I didn’t know if I liked the college or just the friendship I had with the admissions person. They focused on me and always asked questions about what I want or how I am doing. If I didn’t feel a strong friendship with someone from the college, I wasn’t as interested. For example, Baylor college is a lot larger than the other colleges so the admissions office wasn’t as focused on each person walking in because of the amount of people they were in charge of.
  2. Being consistent in communication with me. Many colleges would contact me every week. In many ways it was nice to feel wanted, but in other ways it was irritating. The reasoning behind why it was irritating is because in some cases I didn’t want the information from those colleges.
  3. Promoting what my future would look like there at the college. In this part, they focused on me and creating an image of what I would look like at their college. This was an amazing selling strategy because it was focused on my future and what my needs were. The problem was is that they only focused on their positives and all of the colleges began to look the same in my eyes.

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