Sometimes sales can be a numbers game. The success of a lot of sales people depends simply on how determined they are to put in the work. Particularly in a role where making cold calls and following warm leads are the normal mode of operation. Don’t get bogged down by the lack of success from a few unsuccessful calls. It is vital to have a plan and a goal, and to follow through on them.

One of the most important parts of success in sales is having a specific daily and weekly plan. This is especially important relating to cold calls. Block out specific time daily and weekly to make calls. Don’t let anything else get in the way of this time. Without continually cultivating and devoting time to new leads it will be impossible to ever move forward in the sales process. It is easy to let “more urgent” things get in the way of the less immediate need of reaching out to new customers. So put this time on the calendar and treat it like an important doctor’s appointment – don’t let anything else get in the way of it.

Be willing to push through the monotony of hundreds of phone calls. It’s easy to get caught looking for the one big “eureka!” moment. However, often it comes down to simple persistence. You must be willing to let nothing stop you from reaching out to many new customers every day. Often, the more contacts you make, the more cash-flow you will see.

3 thoughts on “Contacts: The more you make, the more ($$) you make.”
  1. I agree. Networking is key to sales. One has to has to maintain a high standards of integrity in order to build trust and relationships. Making sure you your product is actually something they value and answering their questions.

  2. You’re absolutely correct. Networking will make you some serious money if you are good at meeting new people and funneling them from prospects to customers! Sometimes this can make the most reliable customers as well!

  3. Just like Evan said when he came to talk to our class – they made hundreds of calls and connections and would only get a few customers out of that, but those few are worth it. You learn from every connection. Great post!

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